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  • It’s not often that veterinary professionals discover a simple change in daily routine that will improve diagnosis, speed up treatments, and keep profits in the clinic. Spinning fecals is coming back… coming back into the clinic as the new standard for intestinal parasite detection and treatment.

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  • Having an effective inventory management system in place is vital to a practice’s growth and profitability. If you’ve ever had an inventory issue, you understand the frustration it can cause. Is your inventory count consistently off? Are your inventory reports inaccurate? Is tracking inventory an overwhelming and confusing process? Updating your inventory practices can help.

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  • Because the Companion Animal Parasite Council has issued a a frightening 2014 parasite forecast, prompt pet owners to use flea and tick products.1 Try these merchandising strategies, which can drive sales and get more pets the protection they need.

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  • In today's tough economy, there are many professionals that are faced with the challenge of Accounts Receivable. Uncollected receivables are a financial burden to any small business. You and your staff have given your professional time and services, only to lose revenue opportunity. Accounts receivable issues are a growing concern for many practices . Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem that utilizes a systematic approach to collections . Why not collect more funds and save valuable staff time, while balancing the client-practice relationship?

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  • Do your customer's animals have an aversion to visiting your office? The good news is that you are not in the minority. The Bayer veterinary usage study gave some data for the reasons veterinary patient visits are down. One of the reasons for decreased patient visits is that both dogs and cats do not like to come to the veterinarian.

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