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  • Deciding upon the types of items to carry in a practice’s retail line requires planning and research. Here are 4 tips to identify methods to help with the decision process.

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  • You need more than an eye-catching logo to attract new customers. Attracting new clients takes creative efforts that focuses on advertising and on selling your services.

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  • It is often the smallest of pets that are the feistiest when coming in for a sick or wellness visit. If they have ever been to the vet before the chances are good that they have an idea as to why they are there now, and pets that are sick or already stressed can be difficult to deal with when they are getting poked or have nasty tasting stuff put in their mouths.

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  • It is the responsibility of a veterinary office to establish, maintain and destroy records kept by the business. A necessary part of these records chronicle the history of a practice’s clients, procedures, billing and appointment data; but, the complete list of items that should be maintained is much larger. Having an established record system in place that all individuals in the office can work with will help the office run more efficiently.

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  • Details of a new study that discusses how children with autism benefit when a dog is brought into the home.

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