How Is Your Practice Using Its Software?

September 6, 2016

The November 2014 issue of Veterinary Practice News published an article titled, “Why You Should Put Software to Maximum Use.” The article discussed the belief that most veterinary practices do not fully utilize the capabilities of the software program they are using.

Why Software Isn’t Used to Its Potential

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Time constraints to learn the software
  • Lack of time to implement the new software

Advice was given to find a staff member who enjoys technology and assign them with the task of learning the software. Providing the time to work with the software and the software provider will help the office utilize the full potential of the program.

Changes for Mobile Integration

  • Mobile apps that integrate handheld devices with veterinary software are available for both iOS and Android.
  • Mobile features of practice management software are being increasingly utilized.
  • Clinic staff members are finding that the use of mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones are becoming progressively important at work.

Software that is more tablet-friendly is ideal for doctors, and having the integrated mobile devices saves time because staff members are not constantly tied to the computer. Efficiency was also noted in areas relating to medical records, prescriptions, and assisting with emergency calls. 

Tips to Utilize Practice Software Programs
Veterinary professionals and software manufacturers as suggestions for the best utilization of practice software programs provided the following tips:

  • Set realistic expectations for learning and implementing software.
  • Contact the software provider for training opportunities.
  • Maintain complete medical records within the software including patient records, laboratory results, photos, and signed forms.
  • Work with third-party vendors by utilizing the integration abilities provided by your software.
  • Establish an offsite, secure back up of all clinic data that can be readily available.
  • Take continuing education courses that are offered and relate to your software.
  • Keep current with the most recent version of the software.
  • Maintain your technology equipment by keeping it clean and compatible.
  • Use the features of the software for communication with clients and to keep the abreast of pet’s medical records.

Examples of Time-Saving Software Features

  • Workflow programs have the ability to track activities on specific patients from check-in to checkout. Staff members are able to field questions and provide information at any time just by using the computer.
  • Inventory software manages inventory, can track the inventory count, automatically update pricing, and use automated ordering solutions. This can help remove the human error factor that may cause inventory problems in a practice.

Need more information on utilizing your software to keep your practice operating smoothly? Contact your Covetrus representative today at 855.724.3461.

Jergler, D. (2014) Why You Should Put Software to Maximum Use. Veterinary Practice News.

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