3 Things Your Practice Should Do to Be Competitive at Selling Pet Medications

September 6, 2016

Between the internet and super chains stores, it is difficult for veterinary practices to make a profit selling medications for pets. How do you compete with mass stores and still offer a service to your pet owners? Here are 3 things you should do to close the sale on medications in your practice.


No matter what you sell, price is always a consideration and oftentimes a deal breaker on the sale. How can you be competitive at price when you buy a very small quantity compared to the larger stores? You need to look at the other benefits you offer your clients, such as convenience. Many customers are willing to pay more if they can get the medications right there after you have treated their pet. Likewise, vets are becoming very internet savvy with their practice and can offer online ordering for many medications. The bottom line is to make the buying experience for their pet medications easy and you will close the deal.


When you build a relationship with your clients they tend to want stick with you and want to stay loyal to your service. However, clients also want the best buy for their buck! How can you do it? There will be several occasions you will not be able to compete on price and turn a profit. Therefore, you need to focus on efficiencies and how to build a better relationship with your pet owners. When you build the bond of trust, you can then market other services and not worry so much that med sales are down. Work on building that relationship so your client comes to you for all their pet needs.


Every salesman hears, “Show value, offer customer service,” over and over again. How exactly is your practice doing this to increase sales at the door? It is kind of like choosing your vet. Do you select your vet on price alone? I bet not! You look at service, communication, location of the clinic, etc. The best thing you can do is make your practice offer the utmost communication and service to your client. You need to show that you care about them and their pet’s health. When you show real care and communicate regularly with your client, chances are they will see your value and buy their medications from you.

When it comes to service and offering value you have to step up and deliver. Winning the battle with the big internet suppliers and large chain stores can be won by offering something more that price.

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