The Veterinary Team is the Best Source for Home Dental Care

September 6, 2016

By Heidi Lobrprise, DVM, Diplomate AVDC

February is Dental Health month, but there is definitely a trend to talk about dentistry all year long, because dental issues occur every month of the year. As pervasive and unrelenting as dental problems such as periodontal disease can be, it is nice to have a focus on one month of the year, but the other 11 months shouldn't be forgotten. And while certain breeds (or sizes) of dogs can be impacted more significantly by dental disease, all pets should be considered when it comes to good dental care.

Veterinary professionals know the best way to provide that care is to have a comprehensive dental program that recommends regular dental examination and professional cleaning (under general anesthesia). We also know that a yearly treatment is often not enough to keep dental disease in check, and when periodontal disease can be preventable, we should do all we can to encourage pet owners to maintain the best home care regimen possible for their dog or cat. That means working with the owner to determine what level of home care can be provided, depending on the pet-owner combination, providing trusted products that are appropriate for that combination, and providing guidance and education on the use of those products. Being able to customize or personalize a dental treatment plan for a pet and owner can absolutely maximize the care that pet receives. Compliance can still be an issue, so reinforced education from each member of the clinic, includ­ing personal testimonials of how home care has helped their own pets, can do much to encourage owner adherence to recommendations.

This level of professional input cannot be provided at a pet store or in a grocery store aisle where many pet owners can purchase a variety of "dental chews', toys and other devices. While these may be adequate products, when the team of the veterinary hospital can work with the owner, and even has the support of the company to back those products, overcoming the obstacle of convenience-buying often makes it worthwhile for the pet owner to stop by their veterinary clinic for the right products.

The VOHC seal can provide a level of confidence in some of these over-the-counter products, with studies potentially showing a mechanical impact of use of the product on the accumulation of plaque and tartar (calculus). What owners might not realize is that another class of home care products, with ingredients such as chlorhexidine and enzymes, impact the biological aspect of plaque- the bacteria that can cause the infection of periodontal disease.

Virbac Animal Health has been, and remains, the most trusted resource for dental home care products that are available through veterinarians only. From the gold standard of home care - regular, effective tooth brushing with a dual enzymatic toothpaste - to a broad line of dental chews and a safe water additive, Virbac can help the veterinary professional provide a comprehensive line of dental home care products to allow that personalized approach for each pet.

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