Four Big Questions To Ask When Considering Cloud PIMS

July 24, 2018

At Covetrus Veterinary Solutions, we offer a wide array of practice information management system (PIMS) options, both on premise and in the cloud. Many Practice Managers ask us: how do I know if moving to the cloud is for me? After working with hundreds of practices, we can share these four key considerations:

One. Do you need remote PIMS access?

Does your practice require PIMS data entry from a barn, mobile van or something similar? If so, then the cloud is an ideal solution for you. Cloud systems are also built to be accessible from multiple devices, such as a tablet or smartphone.

Two. Do you have a major hardware refresh coming up?

Hardware refreshes typically take place every 3-5 years. That’s when your hardware company gives you a quote to upgrade or update your infrastructure. If your hardware refresh date is coming up, then it might be a good time to look at a cloud-based solution, since that can decrease the cost of hardware needed to run your practice.

Three. Are you considering change of ownership or valuation activity?

When you’re looking to sell your practice, you want to put your best foot forward. Having a cutting edge and innovative PIMS already in place can give you a key competitive edge without making a huge capital investment.

Four. Are you starting out your practice and want to keep costs low?

Cloud-based solutions can also be ideal for new practices. The fact that you can get started with little to no hardware overhead can make cloud-based PIMS an attractive option.

Interested in learning more about PIMS the cloud? Check out our cloud solution at We offer the industry’s leading cloud-based PIMS, and you can review the software by downloading it via a free trial. You can also learn more about our eVetPractice software by attending VetSummit 2018 in Dallas, Texas. For more information or to sign up today visit


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