Millennials and the Pet Industry

April 26, 2017

For several years, the designation of being the largest pet-owning group of people in the United States has been attached to the Baby Boomers. However, a younger group of pet owners have arrived and taken over the title!

Millennials Love Their Pets

Millennials now make up the largest group of pet owners. Information released by the global research firm GfK states that out of a total estimated number of 75 million people in the 18- to 34-year-old age group, roughly 35.2% own a pet. If you are wondering what this has to do with veterinarians and veterinary clinics, consider this: Research indicates that the future of the pet market will belong to millennials.

There are many characteristic differences within this generation that need to be considered when marketing veterinary services and products to this large, and growing larger, group of pet owners. 

Millennial Purchasing Decisions:

Millennials are:

  • Influenced by what is popular and trending
  • More inclined to buy products that identify with their lifestyle or that echo the image they wish to express to others
  • Pay close attention to the opinions of celebrities and look for their endorsement of products and services as a reason to buy
  • Not loyal to a specific brand
  • Choose purchases that support their cause
  • Less inclined to seek out products for purchase that are recognized as “made in the USA.”

Gathering Information

When looking for information, millennials collect what they need from different types of resources. For example:

  • Completing research and gathering information on available products and services mostly occurs through the use of social media
  • Making a decision is often based upon the advice of others, which may come from:
    • Family
    • Friends
    • Online sources that offer posted reviews, videos, and ratings.


This generation of buyers:

  • Favors the latest in technology
  • Stays up-to-date by turning to the use of the newest products.


Millennials will turn to companies that provide customized services tailored to meet their needs and wants. They depend upon smartphones and mobile applications to complete tasks, such as making purchasing decisions and scheduling appointments.

  • They look for the accessibility to connect with instant mobile features such as:
    • Loyalty programs
    • Access to reviews and approval ratings
    • One-click shopping lists
    • QR scanning for discounts and promotions
    • Delivery availability
    • Scheduling appointments
    • Easy payment features.

      View of Pet Ownership

      A pet’s health and wellness is very important to this generation. Millennials are concerned with issues including:

  • Feeding healthier food, such as raw pet food or pet food formulated to enhance the animal's health
  • Offering their pet nutritious treat choices
  • Having access to healthcare options, including alternative options such as:
    • Acupuncture
    • Hydrotherapy
    • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • ●Using holistic/natural pet treatments, although they will purchase and use medications
  • ●Providing dental care, using at-home pet oral and dental care products.

When it comes to their animals, 63% of millennials agree that pets should be pampered. Their purchased items and services often go beyond spending for necessities. Spoiling a pet may be shown through spending their money on:

  • Toys
  • Clothing
  • Jewelry
  • Scented shampoos
  • Specialized services that may include:
    • Spa time
  • Massages
  • Pet pedicures
  • Play dates
  • Doggie daycare
  • Specialty food treats.

When thinking about the future of your veterinary clinic, it is important to consider the characteristics of millennials. This generation not only represents the largest number of people owning pets, but they also make up a group of dedicated pet owners that want only the best for their animals, and that includes spoiling them! Garnering their attention by marketing to their specific needs and wants will benefit your veterinary business.

For more information on industry trends, contact your Covetrus representative at 855.724.3461.

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