Tips To Consider For Carrying Seasonal Merchandise

September 6, 2016

Retail products carried in a veterinary practice are typically the type that clients seek to purchase on a regular basis. Some practices like to rejuvenate their inventory by carrying seasonal items, but marketing these goods can be a difficult task. The following four tips recognize elements that will help when deciding whether to offer seasonal retail items.

Tip #1. Be Open to Other Opinions

Carrying seasonal merchandise can be a risk, so once the decision is made to offer these different retail items, one of the first steps should be to hold a discussion with practice employees.

  • Be open to other views and opinions can be helpful.
  • The office manager and practice staff have increased opportunity to open a discussion with clients, which may lead to talk of items that are of buying interest.
  • Not everyone has the same tastes and interests, so asking staff for their input can potentially lead to some interesting ideas.

Tip #2. Observe Trends

The process of looking into offering seasonal items that may ensure daily sales and repeated client purchases should begin with finding current trends in animal products. Information about trending merchandise may come from:

  • Animal Expos
    • Manufacturers attend these pet trade shows to market both traditional and seasonal merchandise.
    • By attending, practice staff can learn about any new products first hand which will help to make the decision to carry it in the retail area easier.
  • Sales representatives
    • Sales representatives who attend conferences and conventions can provide up-to-date information on new and exciting products that could be carried in the retail product section of the practice.

Tip #3. Know the Client

Having an overall picture of the client base of a practice can be helpful to future retail success. Realizing their likes and dislikes will help to determine what items they may want to see offered in the practice, and will help to make the decision as to what should be carried in a seasonal line.

Suggestions for learning client interests:

  • Survey clients on what they would like to find in the retail area of the practice.
  • Set up a “What’s New!” section in the waiting area that highlights potential merchandise offerings to get client opinions.
  • Provide a bulletin board that advertises new and potential products.
  • Establish a display near the front counter to initiate dialogue to obtain client opinion on products.
  • Talk to your sales representatives
    • Because their job requires an understanding of the practice and an ability to identify the needs of the consumer base of their client, they should be able to offer suggestions on the types of seasonal goods to place in the retail area.
    • In order to explain the features and to answer any product questions, sales representatives must have full knowledge of the product line, which establishes an assured method for answering customer questions on retail items.

Tip #4. Market and Sell

Once you have made a decision on the types of seasonal goods your practice will carry it is time to make everyone aware of the products being offered. Ways to peak the interests of clients could include:

  • Supply the information.
    • Mailing flyers and advertisements.
    • Website space that lists and describes the new products carried within the retail area.
    • Advertise on bulletin boards in office.
    • Establish a blog that focuses on new products.
    • Provide customer testimonials for clients who are  interested in products.
  • Provide enticing discount coupons, such as a “reward” for clients who keep appointments.
  • Provide a quantity discount.
  • At the end of the season, hold a special “End of Season” sale!

Trying to decide what products to carry and sell in a business can be a daunting task. Deciding to supply not only traditional merchandise, but to also add seasonal merchandise, requires a time investment and careful planning. Contact your Covetrus representative today for more tips on marketing your seasonal products at 855.724.3461.

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