Tips From Fritz - Tips to Educate Clients and Increase Compliance

September 6, 2016

By Fritz Wood, CPA, CFP, HF Wood Consulting, Lake Quivira, Kansas

Sing the same song with all your staff in your practice when it comes to preventive products. Everyone’s message from check-in to check-out should be that every pet needs preventive products to avoid costly consequences. In addition, throw in some education in order to finalize the sale.

Starting at check-in, the receptionist should have reviewed the pet’s purchase history prior to arrival so they are knowledgeable about the pet’s needs. The receptionist should then greet the client and discuss the need for 12 month preventive products. This conversation plants the seed of a purchase as the visit begins.

The technician can then discuss the preventive products with the customer during preparation for the second opportunity to sing the same song. During the exam, the doctor will focus on the pet’s need for 12 month protection. The doctor should try to dispense the product in the exam room, giving extra emphasis on the necessity of the year round preventive product. If the product was not dispensed in the exam room, check-out is one final opportunity to reiterate the need of a 12 month preventive solution.

Wood encourages providing education to the customer along with singing the same song which can include the following facts:

1.    Visual Maps: Show the customer prevalence maps indicating the level of tick borne diseases or heartworm cases in your area to show the need.

2.    The Numbers: Treating the conditions the client is trying to prevent can be much more costly than preventing them.

3.    The Science of Consequences: “Show and tell” your clients the consequences of the disease. Show videos or images of the pain and agony their pet could go through if not treated.

4.    Social Proof: Share examples of other customers and how they are protecting their pets. Let customers know most of your clients purchase a 12 month supply so they never miss a does.

5.    Authority: Use guidelines from leading pet authorities such as AVMA, AHS, AAHA, or CAPC to make your point.

You and your staff are the experts. Use your expertise while singing the same song to educate your customers and increase compliance. Learn more by attending an upcoming workshop “Winning the Pharmacy Challenge” by Fritz Wood. Participating clinics will have the opportunity to learn how to compete with other pharmacy sources, have the important conversations with your customers to protect pets, and new tips for increased compliance.

About the Author
Fritz Wood, a certified public accountant and certified financial planner who owns a consulting practice in Kansas City, works exclusively with veterinarians and animal health companies. Wood encourages veterinary hospitals to sing the same song while educating clients and increasing compliance; in turn, increasing your practice’s bottom line.
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