Five Tips to Make a Conference Successful

September 6, 2016

Conferences can open a practice up to new information and advanced methods of operation which are essential for its growth. The following five basic tips will help staff members get the most out of attending a conference.

Be Prepared

The purpose of attending a conference is to gather information that can be shared in order to educate staff and enhance the practice. In order to do this, it is important to be prepared when the meetings begin.

  • Requirements – be refreshed and ready to pay attention during sessions
    • Eat right
    • Get a good night’s sleep
    • Have a copy of the schedule that identifies start times and locations of sessions
    • Familiarize yourself with the layout of the event facility prior to the start of sessions
    • Bring what you need to stay alert during discussions
      • Glasses
      • Gum or mints
      • Water or caffeinated drink
  • Requirements – be ready to take notes
    • Have the proper note-taking tools with you
      • Laptop
      • Notebook, folder, pen
    • Follow meeting etiquette so you can focus on discussions without being distracted or causing distractions
      • Phone ringer turned off so calls go to messages
      • No texting
      • No surfing the internet
      • No responding to emails

Choose Sessions Wisely

Conference sessions are opportunities to hear new ideas and learn new methods that may benefit your practice.

  • Discuss session topics with staff prior to conference to identify and choose those that will best benefit the practice and staff.
  • Pick sessions delivered by key speakers who are motivating and knowledgeable of the subject.

Meet and Greet

Conferences provide an excellent opportunity to make important contacts and business connections that can be helpful to your practice once the meeting concludes. Knowing your business and being mentally organized to mingle and talk with conference attendees is essential. It is important to know, for example:

  • The background of the practice
  • The type of services offered
  • The staff positions within the practice
  • The mission statement
  • Its future goals

Trade Business Cards

Business cards are an easy way to keep in touch with new contacts. Exchanging this information will help you build and maintain new business relationships that could be vital to your company’s growth.

  • Make sure business cards are updated
    • Crossing out the old and writing in the new information on a business card does not make a good impression
    • Provide:
      • Current company information
      • Current contact information
  • Tip! Purchase a company business card reader
    • Having multiple business cards to carry around can get cumbersome, and important contact information can be easily lost.
    • A business card reader has the ability to electronically copy and store card information to an external drive, and its purchase could be a benefit to the practice.


During the conference it is important to write down any new ideas, strategies or tips. Once the conference is over it is imperative to complete a follow-up of key information to present to your staff.

  • Organize notes to present information
  • Review and clarify any notes that may seem incomplete or questionable
  • Reread handouts, review powerpoints, slide shares and presentation materials
  • Scan and file copies of materials relevant to practice needs
  • Determine a method to ensure that staff is made aware of the material presented in the conference, for example:
    • Hold a meeting to present the information to all staff members
    • Prepare an online presentation that can be individually accessed
    • Prepare paper copies of information for staff to review
  • Arrange for question and answer opportunities for clarification.

The final cost to attend a conference is made up of more than just fees, travel, hotel accommodations and meals. Conferences take key personnel away from critical work schedules. In order to help make it worth the expense, it is imperative that attending staff members realize that their job is to listen, learn, network and bring important information back to the practice so that all staff benefit from their time away.

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