Connecting with Other Veterinarians via Social Media

September 6, 2016

#1 To Increase Their Circle of Professional Peers
  • Social media provides a platform to discuss ideas and share experiences that relate to a veterinary practice.
  • Interacting with new people of similar professional backgrounds can open up:
    • Discussions
    • Increase new business contacts
    • Connect to opportunities that will enhance a practice.

#2 To Support Their Profession

  • Connecting through social media helps veterinarians become aware of their organized profession by alerting to issues that might affect their business, for example:
    • If the government announced policies that would institute a change for veterinary medicine, social media could be used as a platform to bring professionals together to spread the information and to take a stand.

#3 To Connect With Others to Grow Their Practice

  • Social media allows professionals to share:
    • Practice information
    • Stories
    • Pictures
    • Ideas
  • Having another, more established veterinarian both as a link on a social page and as a supporter of posts helps to bring credibility to the practice.
  • Types of social page information that could be posted:
    • Success stories
    • Raising funds for emergency services
    • Listings of new products and food
    • Rating products and foods
    • Recall notices
    • Animal needs
      • Foster care
      • Adoption availability
    • Pictures of new client “family”
    • Reminders:
      • Vaccination time
      • License renewal
      • Flea/tick monthly treatments

#4 To Gain a New Perspective

  • Sometimes finding a solution is only difficult because it needs to be looked at by someone with a different viewpoint
  • Social media can connect to people from all over the world who may have had a similar experience, and who can point out the positives and negatives of a situation
  • Veterinarians who use social media to connect with peers will find that it will create unlimited opportunities to:
    • Discuss ideas
    • Relate experiences
    • Exchange knowledge

#5 To Hear Words of Support and Encouragement

  • Chances are most veterinarians feel that the positives of their work outweigh the negatives, however:
    • On those days when a procedure goes wrong, or when test results indicate the worst, it is encouraging to have someone to talk with who may be able to provide knowledgeable feedback.
    • Connecting with peers via social media can encourage a support system that opens opportunities to share with someone who understands and who can identify with the situation.

Social Media Channels to Consider

There are several professional and social media networking sites that encourage connecting with colleagues, for example:

  • LinkedIn
    • Social networking site for the business community
    • Registered members can establish and document networks of people that they know professionally
    • Offers professional network news feeds
  • Facebook
    • Social networking site
    • Connects with family and friends
  • Twitter
    • Social networking site
    • Connect with family and friends
    • Allows user to send “tweets” which are short limited character messages
  • Tumblr
    • Social networking site
    • Microblogging platform
  • Biznik
    • Social networking site
    • Independent business people

With the internet at our fingertips, communication is no longer restricted by issues of time and distance. Veterinarians who connect with their professional peers through social media will find that it can be a highly effective tool that benefits their practice and life.

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