Common Causes and Signs of a Data Breach

September 6, 2016

When a business isn’t prepared for a data breach, it stands a very good chance of becoming a target. Being aware of the most common causes, and of the signs that indicate a hacking attempt to access a business through its computer, will help to protect a clinic’s vital information.

Four Causes of a Data Breach

One of the most common forms of cyber theft, phishing occurs when fake, but legitimate-looking, emails are opened. These emails are designed to gain access to a computer or network in order to steal passwords and important company information. 
Before opening any email, staff need to be alert to watch for ones that:

  • Appear to come from a trusted source but include unexpected links or attachments to download
  • Come from an unknown source, or from someone who has never been in any previous communications
  • Look strange, for example, may have unusual spelling or characters within the message.

Weak Passwords
The protocol for passwords should focus on making it harder for thieves to access the clinic’s information. Rules for staff should include:

  • Never share a password with anyone
  • If password is too difficult to remember and needs to be written down, store it in a locked place
  • To make it harder to guess, choose something obscure, but memorable to creator
  • Never create a password that contains all or part of your name or ID
  • Passwords should be at least seven characters long, and use characters from at least two of the following categories:
    • Upper case letters
    • Lower case letters
    • Numbers
    • Symbols

Lack of Security
It’s becoming easy to hack in to business information when the computer system lacks security software or hardware. Providing additional layers of defense may even prove a benefit for older systems. Tips for increasing security include:

  • Maintain up-to-date antivirus software
  • Firewalls, some operating systems have built-in firewalls, if not they can be implemented with hardware or software, and even added to routers or servers
  • Establish a data backup system
  • Utilize encryption software
  • Provide ability for use of two-step authentication or password-security software

Precautions need to be increased when computer workstations are located in areas that offer easy access to a clinic’s sensitive business information. Tips to protect company data by making the work space environment more secure include:

  • Never leave the screen open on the computer
  • Lock the computer when not in use
  • Require user account passwords to unlock or wake a computer
  • Never leave sensitive documents out in the open after printing, copying, or faxing.

Three Signs of a Data Breach

Sluggish System
When the Internet or a computer is working unusually slowly, it could be due to malware or to a computer virus. Staff should watch for pop-up ads and for websites that are not loading properly.
Locked out
When access is denied and the user receives a locked-out message the first time they try to open an account, chances are good that the account has been hacked. When this happens there is a possibility that the information was already accessed and the password changed.
Indications of Tampering
When a computer is found on or with programs running after procedures were followed to turn it off at the end of the day or when away from the workstation, there is a chance that someone was on the computer or that information was being retrieved. Strict adherence to turning off the system along with the use of passwords and encryption will help to prevent unauthorized access to information.

Maintaining the safety of confidential and important information kept on a company computer requires the attention of all staff. It’s important that everyone understands their role in protecting the clinic against a data breach.

Contact your Covetrus representative at 855.724.3461 to learn about additional ways to protect your clinic.


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