Authenticity and Transparency: Value in Your Market

September 6, 2016

Companies used to market their services based on advertisements that were developed with the intent to communicate a pre-determined and specific message. All of that changed with the advancements of the internet. A company can still promote their brand in the manner that they wish, but they now have to stay aware of social media’s use of the internet and how it provides the opportunity for customers to rapidly disperse information.

This shift in informational control means that consumers are empowered with the ability to be more influential than ever before, and it changes the way that they look at how a practice does its business. With the ease of obtaining information at their fingertips, consumers view authenticity and transparency as important business values.


Clients are looking for honesty and communication and the feeling that they are going to get what they are searching for! In order to provide this, a practice has to be willing to be upfront and visible with its actions and with its values, which means that customers should have the right to:

  • Ask questions
  • Voice concerns
  • Question procedures
  • Question product quality


To promote the feelings of authenticity and transparency, clients need to feel that they could reply confidently to the following questions about the business.

  • Do consumers feel positively about the basics of the practice?
  • Does the practice provide accessible and easy to understand information?
  • Are clients able to easily engage with the practice and staff?
  • Are there misconceptions or seemingly hidden truths about the practice?
  • Does the practice encourage honesty? Openness? Trust?
  • Do staff members communicate in a direct and honest way?
  • Is the practice open to feedback?


Methods for promoting feelings of transparency and authenticity for the practice could include:

  • Ensuring the environment for owners and pets is comfortable and calming
  • Encouraging staff engagement in conversations with owners so they know that staff is listening to their concerns
  • Teaching staff methods to communicate respectfully when there are negative or differing opinions
  • Using a website to provide:
    • Practice information
    • Product reviews for items carried within retail section
    • Question and answer platform
    • Services offered and prices listed
    • Teaching tools for useful information
    • Client comments
    • Photos and story section to connect to clients in a way that reflects practice personality


Communicating these values needs to come from all aspects of the practice, for example:

  • Front desk:
    • Welcome clients and patients in a friendly and enthusiastic manner
    • Ask to make sure that all questions are answered
    • Provide contact information in case any questions arise following an appointment
    • Provide complete receipt that shows the list of services received and the payment tendered
  • Veterinarian, technicians, support staff:
    • Listen carefully to any concerns or complaints
    • Treat clients and patients good-naturedly, taking the time to:
      • Address all questions
      • Identify any and all procedures that are being performed
      • Identify any and all procedures that are being recommended
      • Explain any recommended laboratory work and cost
      • Explain the results of any laboratory procedures administered
  • Staff responsible for evaluating choices for retail area product purchases:
    • Research items that may be connected with any negative publicity or recalls
    • Establish a method to contact clients who purchased recalled items
    • Ensure that items carried in retail area have easy access to product information so clients can research, if desired
    • Offer a return policy on client-purchased products that are not satisfactory

The drive for transparency and authenticity impacts the way a practice does its business. The challenge to embed these values while expanding a level of confidence to customers is critical for the practice’s success.

Looking for more information on practice management? Contact your Covetrus representative today at 855.724.3461!

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