5 Tips to Efficiently Manage Office Traffic

September 6, 2016

Running a practice involves efficiently managing the time dedicated to clients. Personalizing attention and creating an environment where clients feel welcomed and important will result in a smoothly-run veterinary visit.

Tip #1. First Impressions

Establishing eye contact and issuing a friendly greeting the moment a client walks in to the building helps to cement a good impression and also directs clients toward the sign-in desk. Paying attention to the client at this time can uncover:   

  • If the client needs assistance.
  • If the animal is in distress.
  • If there is anything that the staff should help with to make the client comfortable.

Having staff members well versed to initiate the handling of emergencies can greatly improve situations when clients enter the building.

Tip #2. Sign-in Time

The sign-in desk should be operated by a staff member who is prepared to help. When a client reaches the desk, the staff member should be prepared to discuss their appointment needs. In order to do this quickly, client records should be pulled prior to appointment time, and checked over to ensure they include: 

  • Changes or updates needed in address and phone information
  • History of animal
  • Notes indicating the reason for the appointment
  • Newly requested information such as:
    • Lab results
    • X-rays
    • Forwarded information from another practice
    • Shot records

Tip #3. Waiting Time

Once the client has finished signing-in, the next step is typically to go to a waiting area before they are taken into the examination room. In order to make the wait pleasant and reduce stress, the waiting area should be:

  • Welcoming,  peaceful, clean and fresh.
    • Having the area decorated to reflect a home environment helps to make the wait time pass quickly. These include things such as:
      • Natural lighting
      • Calming paint colors
      • Decorated walls
    • Group chairs to allow for space between animals.
      • Avoid fabric pillows, upholstered furniture and area rugs which will trap odors that can stress animals.
    • Provide a refreshment station that offers a variety of drinks.
  • Child-friendly
    • Consider making a quiet play area for children.
  • Educational
    • Tune a television into educational media.
    • Provide magazines that focus on animal health.
    • Provide informational brochures on items that relate to animal health.
  • Retail section
    • Establish a retail section off of the waiting area where clients can look at new animal products and pick up information.

Tip #4. Examination Time

When it is time for the client to take their pet into the examination room, continue to lower the stress by having a technician or vet assistant:

  • Approach the client, introduce themselves and notify them that it is time for the exam.
  • Offer to carry items or handle their animals to go into the examination room.
  • Collect pre-examination information and inform as to when the veterinarian is expected to see them.

Tip #5. Time to Leave

Before leaving the examination room, the following tips can help to smooth the final stages of the appointment time:

  • Clarify that client understands:
    • The examination findings.
    • The treatment plan.
    • The directions for how to give and when to give any prescribed medication.
    • The invoice charges for the examination.
  • As clients prepare to leave after stopping at the billing desk, have a staff member available to help by:
    • Holding coats, umbrellas or leashed animals while client is checking out.
    • Offering to carry crates, walk leashed animals or open doors for client as they leave the facility.

Establish these tips to help clients feel important and welcomed in your practice! Need more tips on running a smooth practice? Contact your Covetrus representative today at 855.724.3461.

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