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Improve Client Understanding of Heat Stroke Prevention and Treatment

September 6, 2016

When an animal is in a situation where it becomes overheated it is vital that it receive immediate medical intervention. Since time is of the essence, talking to clients about the symptoms of heat stroke and the   steps necessary to take to initiate treatment, may be what is required to help that animal survive.

Signs of Heat Stroke in Pets

Clients need to know that when looking at an animal suffering from heat stroke the signs are usually very evident, and may include:

  • Breathing difficulties as shown through:
    • Rapid breathing that appears frantic, noisy
    • Heavy panting
  • Tongue and mucous membranes will appear bright red
  • Saliva is thick and tenacious
  • Animal will often vomit
  • Taking a rectal temperature may confirm the diagnosis of heat stroke:
    • Dog
    • 104° to 110°F
    • Cat
    • May rise to over 106° F.

When left untreated, further heat stroke symptoms may show in ways such as:

  • Animal will appear unsteady and will stagger
  • Bloody diarrhea may occur
  • Lips and mucous membranes will change from bright red to pale blue or gray
  • Animal will:
    • Collapse
    • Have seizures
    • Fall into a coma
    • Die

Treatment for Heat Stroke in Animals

Inform clients that pets suffering from heat stroke require immediate care. They need to know that the longer an animal goes without treatment, the greater the chances are for the animal to suffer irreversible damage. Treating the animal requires:

  • Cooling its body down towards a normal temperature:
    • Move the animal out from the source of the heat
  • Using a rectal thermometer, begin monitoring the animal’s temperature every 10 minutes
  • In mild cases of heat stroke, lowering the animal’s body temperature may be all that is required
  • In more severe cases, the following procedures may be taken:
    • Begin rapidly cooling the animal through methods such as:
      • Wetting the animal down with a hose
      • Immersing animal up to its neck in a tub of cool water, not ice water, for about 2 minutes
      • Placing wet animal in front of an electric fan
      • Applying cool packs or wet, cold towels to the armpits, groin, and on head
      • Wiping the paws and pads with cool water
    • Continue monitoring the rectal temperature until the temperature has lowered:
    • For both dogs and cats: temperature under 103° F
  • Once the animal’s temperature has been lowered, it is important to stop the cooling process and dry the animal off
    • Continuing with the cooling process after the temperature has been lowered may produce hypothermia and shock

Advise clients that it is important to immediately bring their pet in to see the veterinarian following an episode of heat stroke. Animals can experience delayed and secondary complications that occur within hours or up to days later, for example:

  • Kidney failure
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Seizures
  • Laryngeal edema
  • Spontaneous bleeding

Clients who recognize the symptoms of heat stroke, and who are aware of the immediate steps to take to reduce the body’s temperature, may be able to stabilize their pet long enough to get it to the veterinarian for help.

Looking for additional ways to help clients with heat stroke emergencies? Contact your Covetrus representative at 855.724.3461 today.


Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook, 4th ed., D.M. Eldredge, L.D. Carlson, D.G. Carlson, J.M. Giffin

Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook, 3rd ed., D.M. Eldredge, D.G. Carlson, L.D. Carlson, J.M. Giffin
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