Nobivac Feline 1-HCPCh Vaccine

Nobivac Feline 1-HCPCh Vaccine
Supplied By: Merck (065266)

Unit of
Measure 25 x 1 Dose
Type Box
Qty 10
A quality core vaccine shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy cats 9 weeks of age or older against feline rhinotracheitis, calici, panleukopenia, and feline leukemia viruses, as well as feline Chlamydophila. The duration of immunity against feline leukemia virus is at least 2 years.
- A quality 1-year core vaccine that protects against feline rhinotracheitis, feline panleukopenia (FPV), and feline calicivirus (FCV), plus protects against feline Chlamydophila
- Nobivac® Feline 1-HCP has been shown to block the replication of canine parvovirus (CPV) in cats
- Evidence shows that CPV-2a, CPV-2b, and CPV-2c isolates can replicate in cats, producing clinical signs of feline panleukopenia
- Goes beyond core antigen protection to help prevent feline Chlamydophila infection
- Non-adjuvanted formula
- Optimal for healthy outdoor cats or cats that board frequently
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