Safe N' Warm Scrub Sink Mat, Long, 1 in x 20 in x 44 in

Safe N' Warm Scrub Sink Mat, Long, 1 in x 20 in x 44 in
Supplied By: Jorgensen Labs (J0768A)
Unit of
Type Each
Qty 1
Post-op patient comfort is simple and easy with these foam padded mats.The core is constructed of thick foam for cushion and comfort. Seamless coating eliminates accumulation of dirt or debris. Totally non-absorbent; allows easy cleaning with standard hospital disin- fectants. Just wipe clean with a paper towel. The mat reduces hypothermia, unlike cold stainless steel or metal grate surfaces that drain body heat. Lightweight and portable, can be moved from location to location.
- Fits inside standard cages (i.e., Shor-Line and Suburban)
- Slight bevel tips fluid toward drainage, 11/2? to 1/2? taper
- Especially valuable for post-op comfort
- Safe ‘n Warm scrub sink mat
- Fits on top of standard metal grate-style scrub sinks (i.e., Shor-Line or Suburban)
- Scrub Sink Mat. Long. 20? x 44? x 1?
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