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Interceptor Flavor Tabs, White, Dogs 51-100 lb, Cats 12.1-25 lb

Interceptor Flavor Tabs, White, Dogs 51-100 lb, Cats 12.1-25 lb

Supplied By: Elanco (CA4850Y07AM)


Unit of
10 x 6 Dose




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Jul- 2024 Jun- 2024 May- 2024 Apr- 2024 Mar- 2024 Feb- 2024 Jan- 2024 Dec- 2023 Nov- 2023 Oct- 2023 Sep- 2023 Aug- 2023 Jul- 2023


10 x 6 Dose

Purchase History

Jul- 2024 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][0]}} Dec- 2023 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][0+7]}}
Jun- 2024 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][1]}} Nov- 2023 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][1+7]}}
May- 2024 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][2]}} Oct- 2023 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][2+7]}}
Apr- 2024 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][3]}} Sep- 2023 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][3+7]}}
Mar- 2024 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][4]}} Aug- 2023 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][4+7]}}
Feb- 2024 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][5]}} Jul- 2023 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][5+7]}}
Jan- 2024 {{productPurchaseHistory['055107'][6]}}
{{promo.PromoName }}


{{promo.StartDate | date : 'MM/dd/yyyy'}} - {{promo.EndDate | date : 'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

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Product Description

You can protect your pet from heartworm and intestinal worms with one medication. This monthly oral pet medication can be used in dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens to kill the immature form of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis). Interceptor also controls adult hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum and Ancylostoma tubaeforme), and removes and controls adult roundworms (ascarids - Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina in dogs and Toxocara cati in cats), and whipworms (Trichuris vulpis) in dogs. Interceptor is used in the prevention of heartworm and the prevention, control and treatment of various other worm infections. Interceptor contains milbemycin oxime, which is thought to interfere with the parasite's nerve transmission, causing death of immature heartworms (larvae) and adult intestinal worms. Safe to use in pregnant and nursing dogs.

Features & Benefits

  • Protects your dog, puppy, cat, or kitten from heartworm and intestinal worms
  • Treats and controls hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm
  • Tasty flavor tabs are easy to administer

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${{CompareAndSaveSource.SourcePrice.toFixed(2)}} ({{CompareAndSaveSource.UnitOfMeasure}})


${{CompareAndSaveProduct[0].UnitPrice.toFixed(2)}} ({{CompareAndSaveProduct[0].UnitOfMeasure}})
Potential Savings: ${{CompareAndSaveProduct[0].PotentialSavings.toFixed(2)}}
(Per Unit)


${{CompareAndSaveProduct[1].UnitPrice.toFixed(2)}} ({{CompareAndSaveProduct[1].UnitOfMeasure}})
Potential Savings: ${{CompareAndSaveProduct[1].PotentialSavings.toFixed(2)}}
(Per Unit)

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